Monday 10 October 2011

The Purposes of Music Videos

A music video is another way to keep the band well know and make more money bacause the artist also get royalties very time it is shown. Artist generally have two or three music videos which is to premote the album of peope to buy. When it is shown on music channels such as MTV or VIVA the performing right society for music while collect money of them, this is also the case for radio station. The internet is a good way for young artist to get them out there of people to here, there are meny artist which wouldn't be as sucessful if it wasn't for youtube or myspace such as Ed Sheeran and meny young rappers. Although artist and bands don't get royalties though youtube and myspace.

Music videos can have some advantages because it keeps the general public talking about them and when word get about the more and more people will watch it and buy it. If you do a quirky or a strange video this will be sucessful with people talking about it. Sound tracks in films there music videos will have clips of the film in there and this could help premote the film and the artist. Here is Will Smith sing the soundtrack for Men in Black which he also stars in.

But the disadvange of music videos is if people don't like the song will boycoted by large groups of people, a good example of this if friday by rebecca black which was laughed at and hated by alot of people. Also if a band has a rubish song out people will think all there songs are like that and wont give them a second chance.    


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