Tuesday 11 October 2011

Techniques of Music Videos

Andrew Goodwins theory of music video are his 6 key area of anaysising music video, this 6 key ares are
  1. Genre characteristics
  2. The relationship between lyrics and visual
  3. The star appeal
  4. Intertexuality refernces
  5. Notions of women (objectification of women)
  6. Voyeurism

Genre characteristics

Genre characteristics are while watching the video you will be able to determain what type of music genre the band or artist is. Such as an rock genre music video while have the band playing ive to a live audience or in a random room with only them in, but if the genre would happen to be R&B the video will considerably different such as the artist will be iver walking about singing or dancing. They would have expensive items of clothing which would be on show for parts of the video. This sone by the red hot chilli peppers is fasted pasted editing and lots of cross cuts, This shows that the band is exciting by this type of editing.

The relationship between lyrics and visual 

The relationship between lyrics and visual would be if the song is all about love and being together there would scene of a couple being together but if the video has a drum solo or a guitar solo in the song the camera will have close up on the instruments being played. This song show a drum solo at the begining.   

Star appeal

Star appeal in the video is where the band or artist face is shown alot and to get the audience familiar with the band or artist and make them a house hold name. Also they will become more famous if people know them more and more.


Intertexuality is where a music video will have insperation or parts of a film or other media in the music video. The reference can show what type of artist the would to be if the want to be different or it could make people laugh. This song by 30 seconds to mars is set in the hotel and the video acts out the story line of the The Shining.


Notions of women

Notions of women is how women are looked at or vued as an object. Women artists know that they look sexy so they make videos where they are dancing around. The women will dress up in not meny clothes where they releave as much as possible. A good example would be call on me by eric prydz where they are doing an aerobics class in leotards. This technique has been used to get people to keep watching because people will watch women exercising half naken.     

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